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An array is a finite sequence of data that all stores the same type of information.

- It can be implemented using a rectangular table where the rows and columns are indexed by some number, usually in sequential order starting with zero.

- An array stores only one type of data at one time, not an arbitrary set.   
- An array is created with a list or set of values that get assigned to sequential indexes, or locations in the array.   

- Arrays are used frequently in programming because they simplify processing and provide efficient storage without needing to know details about particular items stored within them.

Hands-On Problems on Array

  1. Find all the missing numbers in a given integer array(or list) of 1 to 10.
  2. Remove the duplicate number from a given integer array or list.
  3. Find the largest and smallest number in an unsorted integer array.
  4. Find all pairs of an integer array whose sum is equal to a given number.
  5. Reverse an array in place in Java or List in Python.
  6. Find the second smallest number from an array or list.
  7. Write a function to return a sorted squared Array
  8. Nearest Smaller Element.
  9. Find the longest sequence of numbers in an Array where each number is unique.
  10. Maximum Subarray sum.
  11. Move all zeroes to the end of Array.
  12. Program to sort the first half of an array in ascending and second half in descending order.
  13. Problem Statement 2.
  14. Stick lengths.
  15. Merge two sorted Array.
  16. Search insert position.
  17. Number of Students Doing Homework at a Given Time.
  18. Check Array elements can make Arithmetic Progression.
  19. Find the running sum of an Array.
  20. Contains duplicates.

Many more coming soon...💬

If you want me to solve any coding interview question.

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