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Print the first unique or non-repeated character from a string

Here, we have to print the first character which is not repeated in the given string.


  • google  ( moving from left to right 'g' is repeated, 'o' is also repeated, 'l' and 'e' are not repeated. but  'l' comes first. So, 'l' is the required answer.)
  • facebook ( moving from left to right first we have to check for character 'f', in the given string "facebook"  'f' comes only one time. So, 'f' is the correct answer.).


In Java, to find the position of a character in a string we have two methods 
(i) index( ) and (ii) lastIndexOf( ).

1. index( ) :- It finds the first index position of a character.

2. lastIndexOf( ) :- It finds the last index position of a character. 

For Java solution we can use the above two methods. If the first position and last position of a character is same it means that character is not repeated in that string.

For Python Solution we can count the occurrence of a character in that string. If the count of a character in a string is only 1 it means that character is non-repeated.


 import java.util.Scanner;

 public class NonRepeatedAndUniqueCharacters 
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
        String s = sc.nextLine();
        for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)
            char ch = s.charAt(i);
            if (s.indexOf(ch)==s.lastIndexOf(ch))



input_str = input("Enter String:")
for char in input_str:
    if input_str.count(char) == 1:

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